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Social bookmarking

Page history last edited by asma@kict.iiu.edu.my 14 years, 10 months ago

Small Group Discussions: Social Bookmarking


This wiki page is provided for recording small group discussions about issues relating to the assessment of student contributions to social bookmarking tools in higher education.



Robert Fitzgerald

Merrilyn Goos

Belinda Tynan

Arthur Winzenried

Scribe: Asma Md Ali


Discussion question:

When university students are asked to demonstrate their learning by sharing and tagging resources using social bookmarking tools, what academic standards, and assessment and reporting practices are essential or desirable?




social bookmarking = SB


butcher's paper




example site:

delicious, digg, ISA knowledge



bookmark favourite site, share with others, comments, group/manage things(bookmarks)


scientific/scholarly site (with social bookmarking):

upload and dl from endnote, capture journal publication

connotia, cite-u-like 



teacher list bookmark,student find there

teacher want student to add and share for essay

giving marks: add 10 list=10 marks?


net gen project: 

  • provideways online community for students
  • SB learning resources, sharing, enriching student could do - formerly not accessible
  • tips and pointers : critic sources to underscore points
  • pool of resources for students in limited time
  • four subjects,accross  discipline (politic econ phlosophy media), first yr. students. 
  • library created 'diigo'
  • recruited staff: library, educational technology support,
  • student use for social not academic


using it for non-university work. how to do that academically?

created another bibliography,

tag reference,

can read and put stars


to assess?

  • how many
  • the source: other sites/ cousins
  • shared contribution going
  • who did how much?


what kind of learning to assess? why would u asess it?

  • someone thinking process
  • threat and punishment


may encourage the students to use it but not assess it (the process)

  • according to content of the course
  • who contribute
  • the relevant value againts original source
  • how to separate social into individual results



  • bookmark
  • share site
  • higlight


the questions:

  • authenticating identity contributor
  • how much is being put in



  • can use code name and match it to original person
  • use the student firts name and limited the group no.


academic work?

  • source: google, tool/software
  • skill of using a tool
  • a means to an end
  • marking tools


apply academic standard?

  • is it accessible?
  • if for reflection purpose, what are the criteria?


  • british journal social work - link to three social bookmarking
  • useful tool - encourage student to use it
  • specific course to develop the skill in this area


support for literature review

  • assessment: how to respond , evidence of giving marks


should be engaged or not? (library staff)

  • in doing student cirtical writing


how do we organised an unorganised things?

  • home - unstructured impacted school learning
  • school - structured learning

therefore, web 2.0 = a door to learning


peer review each other literature to develop the skill specifically in the assignment.

  • descriptive
  • critical



marking references/annotation

same issues to assess group work but can include individual assessment.


opportunity vs challenges

optimism vs realism=assessment


Is SB ideal tool to practice their ontology developing skills?


what underlying learning so that changes of tools still enables the usage of the learning? what are we assessing? how to assess for individual work?

do we assess the impact factor?

how to go about it?

  • incorporate into larger task


people use it and why?

  • how much in formal education











Comments (1)

Suraya Hamid said

at 2:31 pm on Nov 24, 2009

I would consider the educational activities using Social Bookmarking (SB) be integrated with other social technologies instead of using SB alone.

Teaching & learning activities solely using SB may have low impacts (esp. time consuming) for lecturers to assess. However the assessment process can be more useful and practical if the educational activity using SB is supported by other social technologies such as blogs, wikis or Social Networking Site (SNS) like Facebook or Myspace. This is due to the features (advantages & limitations) of the SB itself. Besides offering the tagging facility, the other advantages of SB utilities are: web-based and searchable, and facilitate the development of community of interest and expertise (Barsky & Purdon, 2006). The example given by the authors is the use of SB by librarians to create Internet Guide for the University of Pennsylvania Library’s tagging cloud (http://tags.library/upenn.edu).

There are cases of implementation SB and how it support teaching and learning (Churchill, et al, 2009, Minocha, 2009). However, they do not specifically mentioned about how to assess educational activities using SB.

Here are some scholarly articles/reports related to SB:
Churchill, D., W. Wong, N. Law, D. Salter and B. Tai. 2009. "Social Bookmarking–Repository–Networking: Possibilities for Support of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education." Serial Review:1-7.
Barsky, Eugene and Michelle Purdon. 2006. "Introducing Web 2.0: Social Networking and Social Bookmarking for Health Librarians." Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association 26:65-67.
Minocha, S. . 2009. "A Study Of The Effective Use of Social Software by Further and Higher Education In The UK To Support Student Learning and Engagement." ed. JISC Final Report: The Open University UK.
Drakos, N. 2008. "Case Study: Using Social Bookmarks to Improve Collaboration." Gartner Report G00156434.

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